Photo Shoot- Steel Wool and Shutter Speed Manipulation

Posted by Gretchen Peratt on 02-02-2016


Senior CAMPers Gabe Lopez, Taylor Valdes, and Jelly Contreras went with Mrs. Peratt and Mrs. Celie and company, to work on a photoshoot. We used steel wool, a whisk on a string, and a big imagination and came up with several good shots. These were taken in December of 2015 in Victorville, Ca.

20160109_200421 20160109_200339 20160109_200430 IMG_2341 IMG_9853 P3520361 P3520332 P3520320 P3520366 P3520340 IMG_2372 P3520355 IMG_2349 IMG_2379 IMG_2341 P3520384 P3520382 P3520385 IMG_9070 IMG_9069 IMG_9090 IMG_9076 IMG_9080 IMG_9067 IMG_9083 IMG_9081 IMG_9084 IMG_9045