Freshies looking fresh

Posted by Gretchen Peratt on 09-26-2013

New shirts!


AVHS Clubs and Activities video.

Posted by Gretchen Peratt on 09-26-2013

CAMP students worked hard on this video….(more info to come)


Posted by Gretchen Peratt on 09-26-2013

Yay we lookin’ smooth.


Shirts….looking good!

Posted by Gretchen Peratt on 09-26-2013

New orange shirts!


Film Crew

Posted by Gretchen Peratt on 09-15-2013


The guys behind the scenes!!!! Thanks crew.


Posted by Gretchen Peratt on 09-10-2013

Instructions for signing up. Parents and Students are encouraged. Standard text messaging rates apply. (If you do not have unlimited text, do not sign up for this!). There is an email option, however,  the messages most likely be read in a text. **Parents, I sometimes schedule these for 6:15 in the AM. If you do not want to receive a text that early, you might consider the email option. Thanks for your support.


camp 111:IV 101

Remind 101 CAMP III & IV -Advanced Video Production

Posted by Gretchen Peratt on 09-10-2013

Instructions for signing up. Parents and Students are encouraged. Standard text messaging rates apply. (If you do not have unlimited text, do not sign up for this!). There is an email option, however,  the messages most likely be read in a text. **Parents, I sometimes schedule these for 6:15 in the AM. If you do not want to receive a text that early, you might consider the email option. Thanks for your support.


camp 111:IV 101

Remind 101 for CAMP II Students

Posted by Gretchen Peratt on 09-10-2013

Instructions for signing up. Parents and Students are encouraged. Standard text messaging rates apply. (If you do not have unlimited text, do not sign up for this!). There is an email option, however,  the messages most likely be read in a text. **Parents, I sometimes schedule these for 6:15 in the AM. If you do not want to receive a text that early, you might consider the email option. Thanks for your support.


Camp II 101

Thanks CAMP for the BIRTHDAY wishes!!!

Posted by Gretchen Peratt on 09-10-2013

Love my JOB!


IMG_6312 IMG_6313 IMG_6293 IMG_6287

CAMPing with lights.

Posted by Gretchen Peratt on 08-20-2013

Fun with shutter speed. Taken Aug. 16th, 2013. CAMP RULES.




CAMPing under the STARS

Shapes and Sparks


Nate the Great