Sophomore Highlight Videos 2014

Posted by Gretchen Peratt on 01-09-2015

This year the CAMP sophomores worked on highlight videos of different clubs and classes to put into the morning announcements. Each week another video is put at the end of the announcements. Each video shows a couple of clips of what the club does and why it is beneficial to help people to find which one is right for them. Here are a couple.

C.A.M.P Bonding Day

Posted by Gretchen Peratt on 01-09-2015

To further unite the students of the C.A.M.P. Academy, we hosted the first ever C.A.M.P. Bonding Day. This event was a day of fun and games which further united the tight knit C.A.M.P. Academy. Each game was specifically designed to enhance the trust and friendliness among the different grade levels within C.A.M.P.


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One of the games we played was the Human Knot as a way to force the students to both cooperate and establish position of leadership among the groups.

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One of the activities was the tower building challenge, but with a twist. Each group had a different set of materials and had to trade to acquire what they needed to build the tallest tower.


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Even the teachers participated in some of the activities like the Human Table.


Bell Game Pep Rally Video 2014

Posted by Gretchen Peratt on 09-22-2014

Final Score of the Bell Game was 35-20 Sundevils take the win. This video was made by CAMP students and was played at the Pep Rally in the GYM.

CAMP Academy Induction 2014-15

Posted by Gretchen Peratt on 09-19-2014

C.A.M.P. Induction is a day to recognize all of the camp students and give them a little rewards such as a pin or a lanyard. All grades go to induction and get recognized by grade level. We have a nice ceremony and the C.A.M.P. teachers Say a few words and educate the students on their Chromebook or C.A.M.P. device.


IMG_8218-300x200        Sophmore Class                                                                                                                                                            

IMG_8221-300x200         Junior Class

IMG_8224-300x200            Senior Class

Link to Mrs. Peratt’s Class Website

Posted by Gretchen Peratt on 06-18-2014


SkillsUSA 2014 Caliornia

Posted by Gretchen Peratt on 05-28-2014

The participants of SkillsUSA include Adrian Hernandez, Alex Williams, Andrew Lundigar, Jacob Young, Kathleen Hathaway, Mark Esparza, Tannor Sutton, Adam Weiss, Alestor Vega, Cameron Castanada, Daniel Gomez, Elijah Moralez, Justin Stewart, Sam Hall, Seth Doiron-Richling, Vincent Casteneda, Amanda Wisinger, Elida Aranda, Casey Courie, Dilan Montag, Madison Stickel, Destiny Drummondo, Prisila Ibarra, Sadie VanKampen, Asael Portillo, Caitlin Roeder, Eric Villanueva, Jasmine Briones, Sabrina Valasquez, Josh Tear, Serenity Rogers, Ahsan Bari, Akshay Sravastava, Albert Lee, Alejandro Herrara, Allisah Solorio, Anthony Sellers, Brandon Solkamas, Carter Noh, Chris Carillo, Joseph Kern, Juhi Gopal, Kaleb Murphy, Kolin Jacobs, Shiloh Frunk, Tabitha Tolsma, Timothy Harris, William Lyles, David Kish, Dylan Olsen, Hannah Bartlett, Ishmael Solomon, Kyle Andersen, Luke Dominguez, Joshua Sanchez, Nicole Downing, Taylor Valdez. Congratulations guys hope we have a good competition next year!

Field Trip to Dodge College and University of California Irvine

Posted by Gretchen Peratt on 05-05-2014

Came down to check out Dodge College, which is a part of Chapman University. We had the honor to participate in a 2 hour workshop in the Foley lab. Our students created and recorded the sound for a portion of the film Final
Destination. It was amazing to see the process being built and watching the final product.  Thanks so much San Prince, Post Production System Specialist for making this happen. A special thanks to both Sam Prince and Professor Harry Cheney, Motion Picture sound editor, for taking your time to show these students an interesting field of film.
















VVC mini Workshops

Posted by Gretchen Peratt on 05-02-2014

Today, we are at VVC participating in three amazing workshops.
1. 3D Animation with Mr. Nelly and Mr. Stallions. They showed the students animations that were beyond belief. They were so passionate about their fields. We looked at examples and got a glimpse into to endless possibilities our students can achieve.




And then…..the students got to work…


2. The process of good old Film Photography with former AVHS teacher Mr. Richards.

3. Cool MAC Lab All you need to know about CODE, Computer Science,  Mindcraft, programming, termonology, applications and database systems, operating systems, and much much more.




Web Page Design GOLD MEDAL

Posted by Ryan Ostlie on 04-30-2014

This is the site from our winners of the 2014 SkillsUSA California Web Page Design Competition. These students will be going to the National level over summer to represent all of California. Good luck Albert Lee and Chris Carrillo! Click the image to go to the live full site. This is the best student page I have seen at State level in all 8 years I have been teaching. I am so proud I could burst.



Best Chances for National Victory

Posted by Ryan Ostlie on 04-30-2014

This is the best chance we have ever had for a national victory. Our Web Design and Computer Programming contestants are the best I have ever had. Thank you guys for your dedication and extra hours at home and at school to practice. It was clearly worth it and I am proud to have you represent the entire state of California at the national conference.

I will be posting copies of the student’s Gold Medal work in the coming days.