Posted by Gretchen Peratt on 03-04-2014
Posted by Gretchen Peratt on 03-04-2014
Posted by Gretchen Peratt on 03-04-2014
Hannah Bartlett's Animation!!!
hannah animationhannah animation
Christian Vasquez and Everyone's Video!!!
Posted by Gretchen Peratt on 03-04-2014
Posted by Ryan Ostlie on 01-30-2014
April 24-27, 2014
Town & Country Resort and Conference Center
500 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, CA 92108
Since 1965, SkillsUSA has provided leadership training to students and instructors in the career and technical education sectors.
With three levels of skill and leadership competition, SkillsUSA encourages growth through participation in leadership and skill activities to enhance classroom learning. SkillsUSA California membership has grown again in 2012-13 to over 9,100 members! This is the highest membership total in the history of the SkillsUSA California organization. We hope you will consider joining SkillsUSA California and share in the excitement of our state SkillsUSA California, Champions at Work!
Posted by Gretchen Peratt on 01-21-2014
Leadership contestants will demonstrate skills including extemporaneous speaking and conducting meetings by parliamentary procedure. The competitions will be open to the public and free of charge.Luke Dominguez, Dylan Olson, Earnest Leos, Dakota Hathaway will continue onto state. As well as the Quiz Bowl contestants which consist of Nate, Joe, Dylan, Josh, Ishmael.
Posted by Gretchen Peratt on 11-04-2013
Student acceptable use policy 0711
CAMP Academy-Apple Valley High School
Instructional Technology Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy
Technology provides a wealth of educational opportunities for staff and students. Access to these vast resources requires responsible use by each individual. It is important that you understand your rights and privileges when using the Apple Valley Unified School District resources in this environment. This document describes the computer, network, and Internet resources made available by the school and your responsibilities and obligations in the use of these resources.
AVUSD is pleased to offer students access to district computers, the Internet and an array of technology resources to promote educational excellence. Each student is responsible for their use of technology, whether personal or district-provided. While using district and personal technology resources on school property and at school-sponsored activities, as well as using district technology resources off-campus, each student must act in an appropriate manner consistent with school, district, and legal guidelines. It is the joint responsibility of school personnel and the parent or guardian of each student to educate the student about appropriate digital citizenship and to establish expectations when using technology.
District technology resources are provided to students to conduct research, complete assignments, and communicate with others in furthering their education. This focus does not allow the use of the network system for commercial, political, or personal entertainment purposes. Access is a privilege, not a right; as such, general rules of school behavior apply. Access to these services is given to students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner. Just as students are responsible for good behavior at school , they must also be responsible when using school computer networks or personal technologies. Students must comply with school standards and honor this agreement to be permitted to use technology. Disciplinary action may be taken against students for misuse of computer, network, and information resources.
Use of AVUSD Network
- Each student, along with their parent/guardian, must sign an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Agreement to be granted an account on the AVUSD network system.
- Students must have taken and passed the AVHS acceptable use agreement quiz.
- Students will not make deliberate attempts to disrupt or harm the computer system and its hardware or destroy data by spreading computer viruses or by any other means. Use or possession of “hacking” tools are prohibited. Jailbreaking and rooting of school devices are not allowed.
- Students are expected to maintain their instructional files and media in a responsible manner, which includes backing up files at regular intervals to a memory device.
- Students are responsible for their individual accounts and should take all reasonable precautions to prevent others from being able to use their account. Under no conditions should a student provide their password to another person.
- Students will not attempt to log on or connect to the AVUSD network under any identity other than their own username.
- Students will immediately notify a teacher if they have identified a possible security problem.
- Students will use school resources (e.g. printers, cameras, etc.) only for educational purposes.
- Use of AVUSD computers, network, and Internet services does not create any expectation of privacy.
- Students should expect routine monitoring of computer and device usage and Internet browsing while logged on to the AVUSD network.
Internet Access
- All students will have access to the Internet and World Wide Web information resources through computers connected to the network.
- AVUSD actively uses filtering software to meet the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) requirement and to prevent students from accessing content that is (1) obscene, (2) pornographic, or (3) inappropriate.
- AVUSD retains the right to block unacceptable web sites. Filtering software is not a perfect science and it may be possible for users to access inappropriate sites.
- AVUSD does not guarantee network functionality or accuracy of information.
- If students mistakenly access inappropriate information, they should immediately minimize their screen and tell their teacher. This protects the student against a claim that they intentionally violated this Policy.
- The use of proxies, VPNs, or other technologies to get around content filtering is strictly prohibited and is a direct violation of this agreement.
Use of Messaging Services
- Students may not send messages with a false identity or alter forwarded mail out of context.
- Students will abide by rules of Network etiquette by not using defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening, disrespectful, or prejudicial language in public or private communication.
- Students will not post personal contact information about themselves or other people without parental approval. Personal contact information includes but not limited to names, home, school, parent work addresses, telephone numbers, personal photos or videos.
- Students will not repost a message that was sent to them privately without permission of the person who sent them the message.
- Students are prohibited from accessing or attempting to access instant messages, chat rooms, forums, social networking sites, or other messaging services during the instructional day unless authorized by a teacher or administrator for instructional purposes.
- AVUSD expressly forbids cyber-bullying. For the purposes of this policy, “cyber-bullying” shall mean using messaging services and/or other digital devices to bully others by:
- Creating, sending, or posting cruel/threatening messages or images;
- Starting or passing on rumors about others or the school system;
- Harassing or intimidating others;
- Sending angry, rude or vulgar messages directed at a person or persons privately or to an online group;
- Sending or posting harmful, untrue or cruel statements about a person;
- Sending or posting material about a person that contains sensitive, private or embarrassing information, including forwarding private messages or images;
- Engaging in tricks to solicit embarrassing information that is then made public.
- Using camera and/or video enabled devices to bully another person or to invade another person’s privacy.
Privacy, Plagiarism, Piracy and Copyright Infringement
- An image taken by any camera or video enabled device may not be published, broadcast, or transmitted to any other person, by any means, without the knowledge and consent of each person appearing in that image who had a reasonable expectation of privacy at the time the image was recorded or the person who owns the copyright in the material appearing in that image.
- Camera and/or video enabled devices may not be used in any classroom without a teacher’s written permission.
- Students will not plagiarize works that they find on the Internet. Plagiarism is taking the ideas or writings of others and presenting them as if they were yours. Plagiarism could result in loss of grade for the assignment in addition to other consequences.
- Students will not download or install pirated software, music, video or files that infringe on copyright laws onto computers. Possession of unlicensed or pirated software is illegal.
- Students will respect the rights of copyright owners. Copyright infringement occurs when you inappropriately reproduce a work that is protected by a copyright. If a work contains language that specifies appropriate use of that work, you should follow the expressed requirements.
- If you are unsure whether or not you can use a work, you should request permission from the copyright owner. Copyright law can be very confusing. If you have questions ask a teacher.
Use of School Hardware
- School hardware will not be left unattended.
- In the event of any damage to school hardware at any time the student agrees to inform Mr. Ostlie or Mrs. Peratt at their earliest opportunity.
- If the District reasonably determines that the student has willfully damaged any school hardware, the District reserves the right to apply the liability provisions of Education code section 48904.
- In the event there is a claim that a student has violated this policy in the use of the AVUSD network system, the student will be referred to an administrator.
- If a student is found to have violated this Policy, the consequences will be, but not limited to, warnings, usage restrictions being placed on their network account, loss of their district device, or disciplinary action at the discretion of the site administration.
- A violation of Federal, State or local laws or ordinances may result in legal proceedings.
I understand and will abide by the Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy. Should I commit a violation, I understand that consequences of my actions could include suspension of computer privileges, school disciplinary action, and/or referral to law enforcement. I agree to bring my school issued device to school each day charged and ready for use. I understand that I am not allowed to decorate or change the hardware I am assigned in any permanent way including stickers/decals.
Student’s Name (please print): _______________________________________________________________________
Student’s Signature: ________________________________________________________ Date _____________________
Parent or Guardian
As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read the Acceptable Conduct and Use Agreement. I understand that computer access is provided for educational purposes in keeping with the academic goals of theApple Valley Unified School District (AVUSD), and that student use for any other purpose is inappropriate. I recognize it is impossible for AVUSD to restrict access to all controversial materials and I agree to not hold the district or any district staff responsible for the failure of any technology protection measures, violations of copyright restrictions, or users’ mistakes or negligence. I understand that my children’s computer activities at home should be supervised as they can affect the academic environment at school and acknowledge AVUSD accepts no responsibility for supervision outside the school setting. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the District and/or District personnel for any damages or costs the District personnel incur as a result of a violation of the Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy by my student(s). I hereby give permission for my child to use computer resources at AVUSD, and hereby accept and agree to the terms and conditions of the Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy and Agreement.
Parent or Guardian’s Name (please print) _________________________________________________________
Parent or Guardian’s Signature _____________________________________________ Date __________________
Posted by Ryan Ostlie on 10-28-2013
We will be adding student work to this website, but first you need to have a dropbox account to share files. Please use this link to create a dropbox account using Mr. Ostlie’s referral code (we both get an extra 500MB)